Hello friends of Jan Petter!

As a small token of respect and commemoration of his pioneering and inspirational work in internationalization of higher education we invite friends and colleagues from all over the world to send greetings (in any language) to Jan Petter by posting it through the comment link above. Also consider to send photos which will be upload to the site.

45 thoughts on “Hello friends of Jan Petter!”

  1. Lieber Jan Petter!
    Since the great Bergen Conference on Fascism in 1974 we know each other and cooperated in various wasy. I always esteemed you as a veritable cosmopolite UN officer in developmental politics, an excellent (data and conference) organizer and a stimulating researcher in the field of comparative politics and fascism, later-on as a renowned advocate of a closer cooperation of European universities in particular in the humanities. As a contemporary historian, I profited a lot from your methodological knowledge, flavored with Norwegian humor and Odysseus-like laughter. Soon we made friendship and I will never forget the deep sorrow and empathy you displayed , when you learned about the death of Stein Rokkan to whom you have been one of his last students; this was during a shared vacation with our families at the sea shore in Greece in 1979.
    Let’s stay in touch. Ganz herzlich!
    Gerhard Botz,
    Prof. emeritus and director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Historical Social Science, at the Univ. of Vienna

  2. Jan Petter
    You really did contribute to a dialogue most needed to advance higher education and you really knew how you should adder us. I hope you find lots to do. I doubt that the Nordic will get the spotlight you gave us

  3. Kjære Jan Petter,

    Jeg ønsker deg en fin og fortjent pensjonisttilværelse. Takk for mange fine år som kollegaer på FA.

  4. Kjære Jan Petter
    Våre veier har krysset hverandre gjennom hele vår UiB-karriere, helt fra du arbeidet på gamle Psykologiske Institutt på 70-tallet. Ditt engasjement og din viktige tilrettelegging for internasjonalt samarbeid har satt spor! Jeg vet at min mann Ulf (RIP) gjerne ville ha skrevet en hilsen til deg med takk for svært mange viktige allianser og gode diskusjoner. Dette får være en hilsen fra oss begge. Lykke til med en ny fase i livet! Kanskje treffes vi på fergen til Venjaneset? Du og din familie er velkommen til vakre Strandvik, mye internasjonalt engasjement i denne vakre bygden ved Bjørnefjorden. Vennlig hilsen Gro

  5. Dear Jan Petter

    All of us at the Division of Research Management will miss you, your expertise and advice in the internazionalisation work, Phd-administration and external funding of research. Your knowledge of the University sector is unique and invaluable!

    All the best wishes from me to you and your family. Hope you will enjoy retirement.

    Heidi A. Espedal
    Director, Division of Resarch Management, Universty og Bergen

  6. Dear Jan Petter,
    I was very pleased to meet and collaborate with you. I am also very grateful to you for the opportunity to have blog on the University World News in an extremely difficult time for Kyiv-Mohyla academy and Ukraine.
    Wish you good health, good mood and happy family life.
    With the hope of next meetings.
    My best regards,
    Serhiy Kvit

  7. Dear Jan Petter,

    I wish you a happy retirement!
    Thank you for the pre-award support discussions – always to learn something for me; and way too few occasions.
    Best wishes for you and your family.

    Corina Guder
    FA, UiB

  8. Dear Jan Petter,

    There is an end to everything…. you just wrote to me. This may be true, but there is not an end – as long as my brains stay healthy – to the good memories I have from the encounters I had with you . From 1991 onwards (Helsinki, CIMO/IMHE conference) we met on various occasions all around the world. Talking with you is always inspiring, both professionally and privately. Thank you for all the critical questions you raised on the developments in Dutch HE, thank you for being such a friendly and skilled colleague for so many years. Wishing you and your family all the best and looking forward to see you again in Bergen one day.

    Jodien Houwers
    International Strategy and Relations
    University of Groningen

  9. Hej!

    Det har varit trevligt att ha kontakt med dig genom åren och jag tycker du har bevakat svensk forsknings- och utbildningspolitik på ett mycket bra sätt.
    Kommer du att fortsätta att skriva för University World News?
    Om inte, blir det någon annan som ska bevaka de nordiska länderna?

    Per Larsson
    Sektionen för kommunikation

    Stockholms universitet
    106 91 Stockholm

  10. Kjære Jan Petter

    Lykke til med pensjonisttilværelsen!

    Det er på mange måter din fortjeneste at jeg er der jeg er i dag. Takk for at du tilbød meg stillinger ved UiB og dermed hjalp meg med å starte internasjonaliserings-karrieren min. Du har vært en av mine mest interessante – og rareste – sjefer, og du har lært meg en hel del, ikke minst om strategisk, dynamisk og målrettet arbeid. Og om å snu seg rundt. Selv om det av og til tok litt tid å skjønne hvor du ville:-) Tusen takk!

    Hilsen Jon Gunnar

  11. Dear Jan Petter. You have been an important facilitator and partner in profiling of the university sector, and not at least UiB. Your generous contribution to so many of us with good and important information from all over the world has been important for me both as a researcher and university leader. Thanks Jan Petter!
    I will like to point on one particular area where you really made a big difference, and that is in research training programme,- internationally and at UiB. The close collaboration I had with you when UiB was leading the project of “innovative PhD education” in the doktoral programme of European University Associaton, was so stimulating, and the positons and rewards given to UiB was much based on your systematic and good contribution. You have always had an open door, always giving good advices for internationalization and project development. And Jan Petter, you are also a person giving trust and support and a good feeling when leaving your office. I hope that UiB will recruit new people with a profile and quality like you. With good wishes your friend Rune Nilsen, professor emeritus in Global health.

  12. Dear Jan Petter,
    I wish you a happy retirement! Thanks for all those challenging questions. They have made my work more interesting!

    Niklas Tranaeus
    Marketing Manager, Study in Sweden
    Swedish Institute

  13. Disregarding what some say, we al have our regrets. One of mine is not having had more time to discuss work, life and the world with Jan Petter. But the times we did spend together were memorable indeed. Let me highlight here just one feature that characterises JP: his generosity and hospitality. The first time he arranged for me to do some teaching at Bergen, must have been mid-eighties, he invited me and my wife to use for a week or so his apartment in Bergen as he himself commuted to his rose island. Staying in someone’s flat means you get to know him much better. It also was the first (and last) experience of my wife of sleeping in a water bed. We concluded that water beds were overrated but also that our friendship with Jan Petter was underrated. Every meeting since then has been a joy and I do hope that with more time on his side we can address that regret, as it is surely just a potential regret: Let’s make sure we meet up soon and often!
    Warmest regards,

  14. Kære Jan Petter

    Warm greetings from Copenhagen – the home of fairy tales – and from the eighties and nineties, the wild heydays of Internationalisation at least when you were visiting. Leif Christensen our Prorector is hard to find these days, but I am sure that he joins me in congratulating you being young again; that is a young retiree
    best wishes og kærlig hilsen
    John E. Andersen

    Head of Department
    Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
    Faculty of Humanities
    Univ. of Copenhagen

  15. Kjære Jan Petter:
    Du er helsa med dei beste ønskje for dagar og år!
    og med stor takk for inspirerande entusiasme i arbeidet mitt med ein biografi om Stein Rokkan.
    – varmt frå Arild Stubhauig

  16. Innilega til hamingju með þennan stórkostlega áfanga á lífsleiðinni! Þú hefur alltaf lagt þig allan fram í öllu sem þú tekur þér á hendur, hvort sem það er starf eða leikur, en þín verður örugglega ekki síður minnst fyrir þitt hlýja og góða hjartalag, tryggð og vinsemd, og það er ekki ofmælt að allir sem þér hafa kynnst hafa gengið auðugri af þeim fundi. Þakka þér fyrir fornar samverustundir, kæri vinur, og njóttu nú sólarlagsins í faðmi ástvina þinna … lifðu heill!

    Baldur Hermannsson

  17. Dear Jan Petter,

    Me: Who on earth is this Helga e mailing me ?? Oh yes it’s Jan Petter…
    J-P, I will miss your e mails asking me to comment on things!! Always on important issues, always with a short dead line 🙂

    Thank you so much for all your contributions on international higher education and research policies in the UWN (and elsewhere of course).
    I wish you a wonderful new chapter in you life!

    Lena Adamson, Director of The Swedish Institute of Educational Research

  18. Шановний Яне Пітере,

    Для мене було почесним познайомитись з Вами та працювати в рамках проекту по розвитку докторської школи в університеті Києво-Могилянська академія! Проект був дійсно успішним, Докторська школа в Києво-Могилянській академії була заснована та успішно зараз працює. Ваша допомога була важливою! Та і стаття наша, яку ми разом з Вами написали, досить гарною та цікавою вийшла 🙂

    Найкращі Вам побажання!

    Dear Jan Petter,

    It was an honor to get to know you and to work on the project devoted to the establishment of the Doctoral School at the University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. The project was very successful. The Doctoral School has been established and functions very well. Your assistance was important! And our article that we co-authored turned out quite well 🙂

    Best wishes on your retirement!

    Andriy Meleshevych
    National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
    Kyiv, Ukraine

  19. Gladeste Jan Petter!
    Pensjonist blir du aldri…..du går over i rekkene for høyere intellektuell ærbar kompetanse…der laubærene ikke hviles – men jages rundt til stadige nye utfordringer :o) Du var der egentlig allerede i 1983 – første gang jeg traff deg. Lidenskapelig opptatt av menneskelige prosesser, psykologi og handlingsmønstre var du medforfatter i boka: “Who where the Fascist”! Alltid opptatt av studentenes muligheter og kunnskap….som sikkert er en medfødt nordnorsk begavenhet av nyskjerrig; “kor i hælvete har du fått det fra?” Siden verden brenner – er det ingen grunn til at du ikke skulle opprette et nytt institutt for “Fuck Off” med tung vitenskap og korte teorier; hvordan kan vi bli bedre på samhandling og forståelse? Du bør i det minste skrive bok om Universitetet i Bergen…..som er et fantastisk sted. Lykke til videre……Oppad- Utad – Fremad – og aldri tilbake. :o))

  20. Jan Petter er jo en av UiB sine store helter.

    Jeg hadde stor glede av din kunnskap og erfaring som seksjonsjef i SIU.

    – Heltestatus for det du fikk gjort, men også alle initiativ du stillte deg bak.

    Vi kom litt videre på Good Governance sporet – selv om det kanskje ble noen sidespor. Tor har jo gjort en kjempejobb i både forskning og Inyernasjonalisering med SANORD.

    Jeg fikk inspirasjon til:
    1. I regi av CROP: Training Course on Poverty and Human Right
    2. I regi av UiB (Tor Halvorsen), HiB og CROP (Tom Skauge) Course 3: Professions and Societal Development i Bergen Summer School 2008.
    3. Arbeid og seinere lederverv i Profesjonsetisk Nettverk i Norge [www.profesjonsetikk.no<http://www.profesjonsetikk.no]
    4. Medredaktør i lærebok: Etikk for beslutningstakere.

    Tom Skauge

  21. I guess it was in 1991 that the EAIE conference was in Montpelier. At that time, you worked the floor do well, that I came out with the bet that there would not be a single person at the joint who hadn’t spoken to you. I guess that I even random checked my thesis.
    Thought that I should share my thought with you, after so many years.
    Take care,
    Regards from the board room of our university hospital!
    Le mauvais élève

  22. Dear Jan Petter,

    Thanks for reaching out and providing an excellent conversation partner and adviser during my very early steps into research and academia. It was brave of the department to hire a 23-year old before I had even finished my BA! I have very fond memories from my time at FA with great colleagues, fiery debates and a superb sense of quality in the work. In particular I remember that we had a lot of very, very, interesting debates and task relating to university rankings and data. Good fun!

    Hope to catch you next time I am in Bergen!

    Christian Hemmestad Bjerke
    Assistant Director, Simula Innovation AS

  23. Hej Jan Petter,

    Hvad skal jeg dog gøre nu, hvor dine e-mails ikke længere dropper ind i min in-box, når jeg mindst venter det og mest behøver dem? Du har så sandelig fortjent din pension, ingen tvivl om det, og mere til, men jeg vil nu savne at se dine mails dukke op. Hold nu kontakten, for jeg håber da, du vil have tid til det fremover. Det varmer altid at høre fra dig, altid med kvalitetsnyt, og også de mindre officielle mails vil altid være velkomne.

    Kan du nu nyde friheden, familien og dejlige Bergen.
    Varme tanker, ønsker og hilsner

  24. Dear Jan Petter,

    What will we do without you? You are such an important part of our team, both as a friend and as a colleague. I ask you advice about everything. I will miss listening to your wonderful stories and good humor during lunch, and hope you will have time to visit us after you retire. I am so grateful to have had the experince to have you as a colleague and office-neighbour.

    All my best to you and to your beautiful family. My best wishes,

    Kristin Hansen
    Division of Research Management

  25. Dear Jan Petter,

    I’m one of those people who only know you by email but HIGHLY appreciate the incisive questions you posed in conjunction with your insightful analysis of the ‘big picture’ questions that we (in the academy) should think about sometimes much more than we do – especially questions that touch on social justice issues that historically defined the Nordic Social Democracies. Echoing Markus (Laitinen), your articles in the University World News shone a bright spotlight on assumptions many policymakers simply don’t see – yet are ironically responsible for addressing.

    We don’t really have enough critical, thoughtful voices like yours and it will be missed!

    David M. Hoffman, Senior Researcher
    Finnish Institute for Educational Research
    University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND

  26. Dear Jan-Petter,

    May you have a happy retirement. You deserve it. Interaction with you has always been friendly informative and benefitting from your wisdom. Always you have been looking at the bigger picture and always with advantage.

    Do not stop now you have a lot of petrol in the tank.

    very best regards


  27. Dear Jan Petter,

    Even though we’ve never met, your work has had an influence in my understanding of international education!

    Thank you and all the best for the future.

    Huba Boshoff
    Manager: Center for Partnerships and Internationalisation
    Stellenbosch University, South Africa

  28. Dear Jan Petter,

    Thank you for your many fine contributions to international understanding of higher education and research policies in Sweden, and for writing also about Stockholm University. It has been a pleasure communicating with you, and always interesting to receive your emails with relevant and perceptive questions and comments. All the best,

    Kåre Bremer, President/Vice Chancellor Stockholm University 2004-2013

  29. Jan Petter,

    thank you very much for all the interesting articles we have had the pleasure to read at the University World News. Personally, it has also been a pleasure to collaborate with you.

    Best wishes,

    Esa Hamalainen
    University of Helsinki
    Chairman, HUMANE

  30. Dear Jan Petter,
    It is a great chance to have crossed your path, on several occasions, in higher education and strategy. We are following each other thanks to social media, which demonstrates that some relationships we entertain with some people are based on value, trust, respect and admiration.
    You also help me to discover Norway and the unique local dishes. Full of good memories that testify our friendship!

    Good luck and keep in touch,
    best wishes
    Béatrice DELPOUVE
    Attache for Higher Education Cooperation
    Embassy of France in Turkey

  31. Dear Jan Petter,

    Working together with you on internationalisation for so many years, it´s hard for me to accept that I will not see you around at the office anymore. I will miss our small talks over a cup of coffee at your office in the morning, your insight and never ending interest in all aspects of internationalisation, and, most of all, your wisdom, knowledge and good advice at service for me and all others with a warm heart for international cooperation.

    For me you have always been number one at the University of Bergen and in Norway when it comes to internationalisation and international cooperation. Innovative, new ideas and always one length ahead of all others of what is going to happen in the field of international research and education and policy at home and abroad. And you have always had this wonderful ability of putting your ideas into action by simple means and avoiding a lot of this meaningless bureaucracy and administration riding our universities of today.

    I wish you all the best for the future with your retirement. And I truly hope to see you around at the office now and then.

    Bjørn Erik Andersen (BASS)
    University of Bergen

  32. Dear Jan,

    We wish you a very happy retirement and fulfilment. Your contribution to University World News is highly valued by our readers across many countries. Few people could bring such energy and insight – and engagement with university leaders and ministers across multiple countries – and your contribution to reporting on international higher education has been invaluable. We and our readers would be delighted if you could find ways to continue to contribute and we wish you well in whatever you choose to do in the years ahead.

    Brendan O’Malley
    Chairman and Managing Editor
    University World News

  33. Best wishes for a long and happy non-retirement Jan!

    Your work over many years for University World News sets you apart as a first-rate international correspondent and those skills are too valuable to waste.

    So please keep filing reports from across Scandinavia and indeed the world!

    geoff maslen

  34. Hej Jan Petter!
    So its time for you to retire! I retired about 6 years ago. I remember well many meetings with you in various places, not least in Bergen where you treated me well in all respects including meals.
    I hope you will enjoy retirement and find new areas if interest as well.
    Best wishes,
    Lars Fransson, Uppsala, Sweden

  35. Kjære Jan Petter, jeg ønsker deg alt godt i den nye fasen av ditt liv, og takker deg for mange år med godt og inspirerende samarbeid, den gangen vi jobbet “parallelt”, du ved UiB og jeg ved UiO. Takket være deg kom internasjonalisering sterkere på kartet, en tjeneste for oss alle som var involvert. Varme hilsener fra Boston, også fra min mann Hans de Wit, Hélène B. Ullerø

  36. Dear Jan Petter,

    There is retirement and retirement. In international education great people like you with lots of skills and achievements never die! Among many of your contributions yours for University world News were and hopefully continue to be always the ones I clicked on first and I enjoyed our email exchange son them.

    Hans de wit,
    Director Center for international Higher Education, Boston College

  37. My very dear Jan Petter,

    What you has meant to me, together with the ‘gutta’-boys Ove, Bass and Bjørn Einar is difficult to express in words. As UiB’s first vice-rector for international relations, I had so much to learn, and your knowledge about higher education and research around the world was extremely valuable and helpful to me. And – with regard to strategic thinking, you were the very best!
    Thank you so much, Jan Petter, for the fantastic meetings and discussions we had during the four years 2005-2009 – and for many nice chats after that period.
    You will be missed!
    I wish you all the best for your new situation as retired!

    My very best wishes,

  38. Dear Jan-Petter,

    I will miss the out-of-nowhere e-mails from you, asking incisive questions about absolutely anything.

    Enjoy your retirement, and keep asking questions.

    Kind regards,

  39. Dear Jan Petter,

    Happy retirement!

    We wish you restful years, filled with the pleasures of home life we know you love so much.
    We hope to meet again soon and continue to enjoy our exciting conversations.

  40. Dear Jan Petter,
    You will be missed and your wealth of experience will hopefully be available for a few more years. Enjoy being master of your own time as of retirement and dedicating yourself to things that truly matter most to you.
    All the very best and think back with a little sorrow to wonderful years with the internationalization family.
    Yours truly
    wedigo de vivanco
    Dean International Relations, Emeritus
    Freie Universität Berlin

  41. Dear Jan Petter,

    You will be missed!
    Who shall tell us what really goes in higher education around the world? Please keep in touch!

    All the best for your retirement!

    Bjørn Einar Aas
    University of Bergen

  42. Dear Jan Petter,

    Internationalisation of Higher Education will not be the same without your activities! Thank you for all your inputs over the years

    Robert Coelen
    Professor of Internationalisation of Higher Education, Stenden University of Applied Sciences

  43. Dear Jan Petter,

    I would like to thank you for your extensive efforts related to international higher education. Your work has not gone unnoticed by your Nordic neighbors, including Finland. I have personally been delighted with your regular articles on Finnish higher education in the University World News.

    On a different note, the European Association for International Education also wishes you all the best for your retirement and thanks you for all your EAIE-related input!

    Markus Laitinen
    Head of International Affairs, University of Helsinki
    President, EAIE

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